Cannabidiol (CBD) has a wide variety of health benefits, from treating anxiety and depression to relieving pain to reducing PTSD symptoms. CBD gummies have the advantages of being portable, discreet, easy to dose. Plus, they come in a massive range of flavors.
Demand for CBD gummies spiked during the COVID-19 pandemic and shows no sign of slowing any time soon. There's a lot of competition and, as a result, brands are having to go that extra step to set themselves apart from the rest of the pack.
Here are four CBD gummy packaging trends you can expect to see growing in popularity over the coming months.
As a packaging material, PET is incredibly versatile. For one thing, it can be manufactured completely transparent, utterly opaque, or at just about any degree of translucence in between. Introducing translucent coloring to your packaging is a great way to showcase your product while still providing some protection to any light-sensitive ingredients. And as we've discussed previously, selecting the right color to highlight your brand is a great way to stand out from the competition.
From a practical standpoint, square bottles offer several benefits over their round counterparts. They're easier to stack and display on a shelf, they're easier to pack into boxes for shipping, and they won't roll if they're dropped. Square bottles are also great for branding as they provide a lot more surface area (or "billboard space") for decoration and product messaging.
Shrink sleeves are product labels that are heat-wrapped around your product's bottle to provide branding that conforms seamlessly to the shape of the packaging. This ensures you're making the most of your decoration coverage, even on bottles of non-traditional shape. In addition, shrink sleeve labeling is a relatively simple way to blend opaque and transparent/translucent design elements in your packaging.
Tamper-evident and guarantee packaging certainly isn't a recent development, but with the spike in online orders and home deliveries for CBD gummies during the lockdown, it has become a topic of considerable focus. Tamper-evident bottles and guarantee caps provide peace of mind to your customers by reassuring them that their CBD gummies haven't been adulterated or pilfered before ending up in their hands.
If you're looking for innovative packaging for your CBD gummies, Plascene has a wide selection of translucent bottles, square bottles, and tamper-evident closures to set you apart from your competition.
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