If we make a conscious effort to recycle correctly as consumers, industry does and will use the the materials to manufacture new products for either making in to PET again or the textile, automotive, aerospace or health industries.
Plascene are happy to answer any questions you may have about recycling or any of our products we would love to talk to you.
When recycled PET plastic packing can be reused and re-manufactured diversely to provide material for many applications that are useful in today’s industries and communities worldwide and negating the need for the use of further raw materials to be processed.
PET plastic can be recycled for many different applications using the technology manufacturers have today. PET containers and jars not only can be reused to again make PET containers and jars again, but the material can also be fabricated to make items such as fiber for clothing and soft furnishings including carpets, materials for construction, automotive parts, and felt for usage in a vast range of end products.
(1)Did you know that over 90% of U.S. consumers have access to PET bottle recycling, and over 60% have access to recycling for non-bottle PET, such as cups and thermoforms? NAPCOR was part of a 2015-2016 collaborative industry study led by the Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC) to study the availability of recycling programs in the United States and the types of packaging accepted in those programs.
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